The 99 LD-2200 allows more flow than any other leak detector available. When the 99 LD-2200 is used with a 3/4 hp submersible and seven or more nozzles, pressure in the line may fall below the pressure necessary to keep the leak detector open. The same is true for 1/3 hp submersibles if 5 nozzles are available for fueling. Several factors influence leak detector reset besides available nozzles, including: burial depth, pipe size and the pump/motor performance. If your 99 LD-2200 line leak detector is resetting when most or all the nozzles are open, the Vml 99 LD-2200\75 will compensate for pressure drop at the leak detector. The 99 LD-2200\75 meets all specifications of the 99 LD-2200 and is covered by the third-party certification of the 99 LD-2200 as there is no change in function except flow. The hex portion of the 99 LD-2200\75 is painted green.